Overcoming one obstacle at a time: Roxanne Enriquez (AR!SE Athlete Fundraiser)
Matters of the Heart
Where stories are told & perspectives are shaped.
A Leap of Faith to Estonia: Raeshon Loo (AR!SE Athlete Fundraiser)
Fighting battles of the flesh and battles of the spirit are two very different things.
“Finding joy in giving without expecting anything in return” - What serving in Tansen taught me.
“There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” - Milton Friedman
“Grades do not define you.” (To the 16-year-old me)
My Story, my pride: “Always hold space for the people around you before it's too late.” - Hannah Tan
What does Love look like to us? - 8 human perspectives
What good can come out of my pain & suffering?
3 Lessons that Fatherhood has taught me - Philip Goh
Leading from the side. (Part 2)
Leading from the side. (Part 1)
“Grades do not define you.” (To the 16-year-old me)
“It’s precisely what kept you from greatness.” (Doctor Strange, 2016)
“The Perfect Parent does not exist.” - Global Day of Parents 2022
A victor or a victim? (Rocky Balboa, 2006)
“Relationships bring us further than we think.” (To the 16-year-old me)
“Your disability is not an inability.” (To the 16-year-old me)